Sunday, October 2, 2011

I love traditions...

Fish and chips is a staple food available in England, and one everyone knows about.   So, last Friday I had the idea that I would treat myself to fish and chips every Friday for lunch and that I would try to eat my way around Ashton at all the chippies.  This way I could decide which one was my favorite, and then continue eating there for the rest of my Fridays.

For the first Friday of my newly found tradition I decided to eat at Jack Spratt’s.  This chippy is on my way to the church, which was where I was headed anyways.  I was honestly nervous about ordering.  What if I can’t understand what she says?  What if I say yes to something and don’t know what it is? I know these seem silly, but it has happened, and I’m telling you, some people here have some very thick accents and are hard to understand.  Well, I gained my courage and entered.

“Hello love, what will you have?”
“Fish and chips please.”
“Normal or light batter?”
“Salt and vinegar?”
“Just salt please.”

So then I sat and waited for my order.  In silence.  No conversation at all with the lady.  I guess it wasn’t fair of me to expect her to start talking to me, but I did.

“Wrapped up or open?”
All she got was a “huh?” look.
“Are you going to eat it now or are you going somewhere?”
“Oh, wrapped up please.  Thank you”
“Cheers.  Ta love.”

Well and that was that.  I arrived at the Church Hall to do some work, and thoroughly enjoyed my fish and chips.  This, I had decided, was going to be a great tradition of mine.

On Wednesday I had tea at the Cornthwaite’s house and I was letting them in on my new tradition for Friday lunches.  They informed me that Jack Spratt’s was a new place, and that there had been a few different Chippies in that store front.  Apparently, chippies have very loyal customers, and so it is hard for new ones to make it without those loyal customers to start with.  Well, that completely changed my idea for my Friday tradition.  I was, from then on, a loyal customer of Jack Spratt’s.  I didn’t need to try any other places.

So, come this Friday, as promised to myself, I went to Jack Spratt’s for my Friday fish and chips.

“Fish and Chips, normal batter please.” (I was getting the hang of it)
“Yes love.  Salt and vinegar?”
“Just salt please.”
“Oh yes, I remember.  Did you enjoy your fish and chips last week?”
“Yes, very much so.  And I have decided to treat myself to fish and chips every Friday for lunch.”
“I don’t blame you love.  So where are you from?”
“South Carolina, in the Southeastern part of the states.  Two up from Florida.”
“Oh, I bet you don’t get fish and chips there.”
“Not like you can here.”
“Well, would you like it wrapped up again?”
“Yes please.  Thank you.”
“Cheers love.”

Now this is what I call the start of a great friendship.  My goal is to be able to go in on Friday, and for her to know what my order is.  I haven’t learned her name, but she is really nice, and I love her even more because she gives me my fish and chips.  I am sure we will be good friends soon enough.  I love traditions – especially when they involve food.


  1. I've been following your blog for all of 5 minutes, and I can't wait to read the rest of your entries.

    This really made me smile, because I can just see it happening. I also get really disappointed when the waitresses don't talk to me, and I'm really excited that you've started a friendship with this person! Now you really have me craving fish&chips! <3

  2. Reminiscent of Charlie's Bar-B-Que on Satuday.
