Tuesday, November 15, 2011

We will remember them...

This past Sunday, November 13, was Remembrance Sunday here in England.  Friday, November 11, was Remembrance Day.  Like Veterans Day in the states, it is the day to remember those who have served in the armed services.  It is the anniversary of the day that the hostilities ended during World War I at 11 a.m. on the 11th of November, 1918.

St. Thomas is the parish church for Ashton, and the cenotaph for the community is in the church yard.  This cenotaph has the names of all the men that died during WWI that were from Ashton.  For this reason the parade that features the Royal British Legion, members of local and armed forces regular and reserve units, and the youth uniform organizations such as Scouts, Guides, and Boys Brigade, marches through Ashton and the parade ends at St. Thomas.  Alyson and I left a bit early for church and watched the parade pass, and then headed to church.  We were able to beat the parade there and it was a good thing.  There were a large number of people who didn’t have a seat and had to stand in the back during the service.

The service is very much a civil service rather than a church service.  It is for the community.  There is a message, or sermon, but the entire service revolves around remembering those who have served in the armed services.  Much of the prayers and wording was obviously directed toward those who have served in England, but war and loss of lives are universal ideas.  I was very moved by this service and found it very powerful.  I couldn’t help but think about all those I know that have served in the military.  I also have a very good friend, who I was in class with at Clemson, that is currently serving in Iraq.  All of these people, and even the ones I don’t know and will never meet, have fought and some have died for my freedom.

One of the most amazing things was the silence during the service.  There were a few times where there were these times of silence.  And what amazed me was how quiet the children were.  There were a great deal in the service because of their participation in organization such as Scouts, Guides, Boys’ brigade, and so on, and they were very still and, can you believe it, silent.  I’m not sure if some of them understand exactly what it is all about, but they definitely realized the seriousness of it.

After the service everyone leaves the sanctuary for the church yard.  There they have the laying on of the poppy wreaths.  This again is another time where it is very silent and you watch as representatives from a variety of organizations come up, one by one, and lay their wreath at the cenotaph.   Once they are all laid down the parade reassembles to march back through the town.

This service is one that happens every year, always the second Sunday of November.  There may be a lot of people who only come to church that one Sunday of the year, and those who attend church every Sunday may not “get much” out of this service, but it is an amazingly beautiful service to witness and be a part of.  To see people overcome their differences, whether they are for a certain war or not, whether they’re Christian or not, an entire community comes together to honor those who have served to keep them safe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

The parade, led by a police car.

The cenotaph in the church yard after the service with all of the poppy wreaths.

A few updates…

First, my host sister, Jenny, is engaged!  This is very exciting news, and I’m so thrilled for both Barry and Jenny!

I am now cleared to play football with the Wigan Athletic Ladies team.  A week ago this past Sunday was my first game that I was eligible to play.  I played the entire game up top, as a forward.  We lost.  It was not a pretty game.  This past Sunday I played the entire game at center-mid.  We won 2-0, and although I didn’t score, I assisted the assist for the second goal.  Does that count for anything?  I have enjoyed it so much and look forward to the rest of the season.

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